Jun 16, 2022Liked by Controller 7

This is dope. My first setup was nothing but Radio Shack gear and before I figured out how to beat-match, I used a sound effects record to smooth out the transitions between songs. I thought I was the king.

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Jun 2, 2022Liked by Controller 7

Dope story man, the wake-up show mention really took me back. I remember always trying to call in to give some shout-outs hah. Great memories! Think I still have some tapes I recorded of shows from that time. What neighborhood was that you were skating in? Reminds me of the Capes or up around Penitencia. Thanks for sharing ✌🏼

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My first turntables were belt-driven and I remember having similar feelings when I finally picked up a direct-drive set -- as if these Vestax MKII's were magically going to make my scratching better. Nope! But as you said, it did inspire me to try harder... even if it was just for the mixtapes in my bedroom.

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